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We are a independent, fundamental baptist church located off of I-27 and Rockwell Road in Canyon, Texas. We would love for you to come visit us and see how we share the love of Christ each and every Sunday. For more than 38 years we have been sharing Christ's love by busing in 250-300 kids each Sunday morning, feeding them, as well as teaching them the love of Christ.  

Dr. Paul Richardson 
Mrs. Susan Richardson 
Sunday School Superintendent 
Bro. Ron Hardy 
Church Development 


Dr. Richardson would love to have you come and worship here with us, where you can find peace for your soul and guidance for your life. Rockwell Road Baptist Church is home for anyone that needs a place to call their own. Come visit us and see for yourself.

Mrs. Susan oversaw the children's ministry, the nursery, Sunday school department staff, church records, and day to day operations of Rockwell Road Baptist Church.


Mrs. Susan went home to be with the Lord on October 21, 2021. Her  legacy will live on forever at R.R.B.C

Bro. Hardy is the church's development coordinator,  he maintains current and past donor relationships.He also meets with potential donors and lets them know what they can do to help make this great work run. Generous donations from donors gives us the opportunity to share the love of Christ with God's children.

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